When it comes to careers outside the services, there's a lot of positivity
around the transferable skills of ex-military personnel. But what about
hobbies and social life? In my observations, this can sometimes be a
bit of a stumbling block for some veterans.
Sure, they appreciate the value of proper training, which, it seems, is
what has brought so many of them to my studio for private singing
lessons. And great students they make, too. Always on time, they listen
to and follow my advice. They do their homework. However, some (men
in particular) report finding no fulfilment in taking those carefully honed
skills into karaoke bars and pubs. What they're seeking (significance
and social connection) is simply not to be found in that environment.
Now, I appreciate the value in letting your hair down and having a good
old fashioned sing-a-long as much as the next person. I've spent a
share of my leisure times doing exactly that. Long live the great British
pub! However, I also know the value in developing singing skills in a
more structured, sober environment.
Nothing is quite so satisfying as learning and developing new skills as
part of a group. Teamwork is a much talked about concept in the civilian
world. Yet, all to often, colleagues assigned to work-place teams have
no visceral frame of reference as to what that actually entails. To ex-
military folk, it's instinctive. They know that nothing worth doing can be
accomplished alone. They genuinely care about the team as a whole
and each individual within it.
So, a choir can feel like very familiar ground. A choir is a team. A choir
has sections within it, each assigned a particular musical task. A choir
sings and moves as one unit. It can take years before a civilian choir
turns that corner. Military folk, though, can do it in weeks.
At least, this is what I'm finding with our recently formed Fylde Coast
Veterans Choir. Our first recruits, based in Thornton, are shaping up as
a team before my very eyes. Their willingness to follow instruction is
yielding remarkably fast results.
Fundamentals like counting beats and singing or moving in time can be
a challenging concept for many civilian amateur singers. For ex-military,
not so much. Moving as a unit “on parade” comes naturally to them. The
one barrier we've had to break through, is the resistance to enjoying
the music and expressing individual and group personality through it.
The subtle change from squared off movement to the more relaxed
styles can be disorienting for some.
It's one thing marching to traditional, British, military beats. What about
letting loose and swinging to jazz or soul music? The “choreography” as
such, is exactly the same: Left, right, left, right, opposite arm to leg, in
time, in line, in the same direction, start and stop together. But what
about when “One, two, one, two” becomes “One and two, three and
four”? That's when the fun begins. And what fun we had at last night's
rehearsal, grooving around the room to Michael Bublé's fabulous
arrangement of “Crazy Little Thing Called Love”.
It's such a thrill for me to see faces, at first so serious, breaking into
wide smiles as the swing “feel” of the music begins to break down
inhibitions. Yes, dear reader, this little choir has potential. Sure, we've a
way to go yet, but this brave few will be my first public ambassadors for
the concept of a choir made up of ex-service personnel. We've many a
mile-stone to pass before The Fylde Coast Veterans Choir is ready to
take to a big stage. But what fun they can have along the way, basking
in the triumph of having sung their first team song at a veterans
breakfast or lunch club. Then the next, and the next.
These are the stepping stones to success. One or two songs, sung to
just a few people at a time, building performance experience and
confidence as we go. Adding to our ranks, one singer at a time.
That's where you come in. Help us grow the choir. Like and follow our
page, https://www.facebook.com/FyldeCoastVeteransChoir. Better still,
share it to your friends and family. If you know a veteran, tell them
about us. You might just might help light up a lonely life.